Do you notice that everything has changed after the big 40 birthday..maybe for you it's the 5.0.milestone...either way your body is not responding the same to your regular diet and exercise routines or your have gone away from your usual tricks to keeping your weight in check. this is a common theme among early middle age women and it's incredibly frustrating.
Often there are factors to consider like lingering health issues that have slowed you down...did you develop a bad back, knee or other joint issues. Have you had your thyroid and hormone levels checked? Can you honestly say that you control food types and portions? Do you really get to the gym 3 days a week.. or are you in denial?
The First step is an honest assessment of your whole being. Do you have a trusted doctor, someone you can talk to about your issues and who is willing to help you explore and discover just what it is that is making you gain weight. Insist on blood tests to help determine any underlying situations internally that can be a blocker to weight loss. After doing this I discovered that I had a liver that was struggling (high liver enzyme count on my blood test) to process the food and prescription medication I was ingesting. I called it my "clogged drain". Once I understood this scenario I went about looking for ways to naturally get back my liver back to it's normal state.
The cure for me became somewhat radical by normal standards.. meaning I had to change everything and start a new. So my Second step was to completely change the food that I ate, this meant cutting out dairy, gluten, sugar, alcohol, processed foods and any foods high on the glycemic index such as potatoes and bananas. my Third step was to cut all over the counter and prescription meds like ibuprofen, pain killers etc. my liver was simply too sick to process them. of course if you must take prescription medication by doctors orders continue to do so, but if not look for other natural ways to cure your ailments.
There are lots of diet plans out there you can call on, they are all over the internet, but basically if you choose natural foods like vegetables, lean meats, low glycemic fruits and water..lots of water you will see a dramatic difference in a very short amount of time. Your bloat and weight gain will stop and you will want to exercise again. within one month my joints stop hurting and I had lost my first 15 pounds.
I'm not selling any weight loss products, magic potions or pills.. just my cure for feeling great. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
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